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George Nelson Design

Computational Graphic - final project | Francesco Di Paolo 413937

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George Nelson

George Nelson (1908–1986) was an American industrial designer, and one of the founders of American Modernism.
In 1946, Nelson became director of design at Herman Miller, a position he held until 1972. While there, Nelson recruited other seminal modern designers, including Charles Eames and Isamu Noguchi. He also developed his own designs, including the Marshmallow Sofa, the Nelson™ Platform Bench and the first L-shaped desk, a precursor to the present-day workstation. He also created a series of boldly graphic wall clocks and a series of bubble lamps made of self-webbing plastic.
George Nelson
"The Creator of Beautiful and Practical Things"
Possessing of one of the most inventive minds of the century, George Nelson is one of those rare people who can envision what isn't there yet. Nelson himself has described his creative abilities as a series of "zaps" flashes of inspiration and clarity that he was able to turn into innovative design ideas. One such "zap!" came in 1942 when Nelson conceived the first modular storage system ever.
Nelson felt that designers must be “aware of the consequences of their actions on people and society and thus cultivate a broad base of knowledge and understanding.” He was an early environmentalist, one of the first designers to take an interest in new communications technology and a powerful writer and teacher. Perhaps influenced by his friend, Buckminster Fuller, Nelson’s ultimate goal as a designer was “to do much more with much less.”